Tech Talk Device: Working Out? Check out The Nike+ FuelBand vs. Jawbone UP Comparison!!!

I didn’t bother making working out my New Years resolution but it won’t hurt if I hit the treadmill a little more often. But what is working out without a cool gadget to help you out. Well Nike launched the Nike+ FuelBand to compete with the Jawbone UP, hit the jump to see which one would be a better buy for you. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk News: NY School To Start Tracking Student Fitness Levels!!

Celebrity Fit Club is now in the classroom. A school in New York is going to track student fitness levels with Polar Active fitness monitors. Hit the jump for the full story. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk Device: Motorola Helps With Your Fitness !!

I’m just here to give you the Info, Motorola feels like it can help America with it’s Overweight problem, at least they feel like they can do the something Nike+ Hit the Jump and see for yourself! WZA on Google+

Flex Flick: Tennis indoors today!!! It’s going down!!

Funk Flex

Flex Flick: Ok!! I’m back at it!! Heavy bike ride!!!

Funk Flex

Flex Flick: My lucky water bottle!! I refill this only!! Good day!!!

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