Tech Talk Wireless: Verizon Wireless Adding $30 Upgrade Fee To Customers!!

Guess I am sticking to my iPhone 4 for a while. On top of the price for the actual device I ned to drop an extra $30 when I upgrade. Well the other major carriers already charge these fees so I don’t have much choice. Details on the Verizon upgrade fee after the jump. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Bank of America May Soften $5 Debit Card Fee

After causing controversy among customers who had to pay a fee for making purchases with their debit cards, sources say Bank of America is considering softening its harsh policy. More details after the jump! Wendy L.

Bank of America Adds $5 Monthly Fee for Debit Card Holders

Ouch. Looks like you BofA customers that always brag about how marvelous your bank is might want to start looking elsewhere. Ha! (I’m gloating, yes. My bank is small and relatively unknown because it’s only in NJ but it is AMAZING and I guarantee you it has better features than yours! Hehe.) Bank of America will now charge $5 a month to debit card holders who make purchases with their cards. Don’t fret just yet though. You have a little time to either deal with it or find a new bank, as the change doesn’t go into effect into 2012. More details below. Marisa Mendez

Visitors To Arizona Prisons Hit With $25 Fee

Under a new state law, some adults who want to visit incarcerated inmates must pay the fee, with the money raised going toward maintaining 10 state-run prisons. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story. @WiL

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