The Obama administration is pushing to change the cable box by expanding its capabilities to grow the market for other companies to include their services and enhance competition.
The Obama administration is pushing to change the cable box by expanding its capabilities to grow the market for other companies to include their services and enhance competition.
Lebron caused quite a stir when he accidentally exposed himself prior to a game during the NBA Finals as he adjusted his shorts. Turns out the FCC actually got complaints about the incident and they are pretty damn funny. One dude goes as far as to blame his Tinder date going bad thanks to his package.
Net Neutrality Wins, For now we the people still get the Internet as we know it will stay as we know it!! A lot of you were not aware that there was a vote to change the internet’s service providers(the cable companies that pipe the net into your home) ability to throttle companies like Netflix and Google’s Youtube unless they pay more, which would mean prices hikes, or prices to FREE services.
The FCC, or Federal Communications Commission, has received several complaints regarding the foul language consistently dropped by New England Patriots’ star quarterback, Tom Brady. Talk about letting the game get to you…
While schools, and classrooms do have internet access they do not however have WiFi. The FCC’s E-rate program is proposing to get over 10 million students online in 2015. This project is costly coming in at $1 billion and would modernize E-rates broadband distribution rules. Some are skeptical about weather students would use computer labs more or if the program will just keep kids connected in classrooms and on their phones.
The most annoying feeling is when your having a “Orange Is The New Black” marathon and then keep getting interrupted with Netflix buffering. Well if you were wondering who is responsible for this , the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is now on a mission to figure this out.