Flo Rida was booked as a performer for Australia’s Fat As Butter fest in 2011, but never showed up to do the gig. Promoters sued Flo and his team for breach of contract and damages totaling Australian $417,345 ($377,000), but since they couldn’t properly serve him the papers on the other side of the world, they took a rather interesting route: Facebook! Unfortunately for them, Flo challenged the order and won, with judges declaring that Facebook wasn’t an appropriate channel to serve, because there was no evidence that the artist was even really connected to the page. “The evidence did not establish, other than by mere assertion, that the Facebook page was in fact that of Flo Rida and did not prove that a posting on it was likely to come to his attention in a timely fashion,” the judge said. Damn, looks like the only ones who got “served” in this lawsuit were the ones suing! Ha!