(Photos) Ciara Rocks the Dominatrix Look for Fashion Week in Paris

CiCi was killin’ em in #AllBlackEverything today as the songstress hit the Barbara Bui show for Paris Fashion Week. Check her out rocking the Dominatrix look below. Marisa Mendez

(Photos) Lindsay Lohan Cleans Up For Milan Fashion Week

Lindsay Lohan brushed herself off and made a glamorous appearance at amfAR’s Milan Fashion Week Gala in Italy yesterday. Check out her look in a plunging back-line black dress after the jump!! Wendy L.

(Video) Check Out Beyoncé and Tina Knowles’ House of Deréon Collection at London Fashion Week!

As New York Fashion Week comes to a close, London premiered its hottest fashion show of the year this weekend: Beyonce & Tina Knowles’ House of Dereon Collection. Hit the jump to see an exclusive interview with the two fashionistas as as they show off the collection, talk style icons, London and the inspiration behind the line!! Wendy L.

Lindsay Lohan Loses It: Hurls Glass At One Photographer & Throws Drink On Another

I mean… I really just don’t think she’ll ever change. According to the NY Post, Lindsay Lohan was at it again this week throwing things at people Wednesday night. What’s weird is that her mother was there…so you would THINK that she would behave herself. Guess not! Hit the jump for the full story. Wendy L.

Donald Trump & GOP Primary Candidate Rick Perry Hang Out With A Kardashian Sister!!

GOP Primary Candidate Rick Perry and Donald Trump hit the Fashion Week party circuit in New York last night. The two were spotted at the Sherri Hill fashion show talking to non-other than a Kardashian sister. Reports say that Perry actually skipped over 30 models in bathrobes just to talk to her! Find out which sister they were talking to and about what about the jump!! WendyL.

(Photos) Lady Gaga’s Devilish New Look

No words for this one. Gaga sure is…different! LOL! Check her out below. Marisa Mendez

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