According to someone on twitter, Amare Stoudemire sent him a direct message containing a very derogatory word. Â I really hope Amare isn’t that stupid to send a DM like that to a fan. Â Read more after the jump. Shay Marie x Sabrina B.
According to someone on twitter, Amare Stoudemire sent him a direct message containing a very derogatory word. Â I really hope Amare isn’t that stupid to send a DM like that to a fan. Â Read more after the jump. Shay Marie x Sabrina B.
Khloe Kardashian responds to a Twitter follower’s picture of herself, by saying that her eyes looked “trippy” in the picture. Â She did look a bit bizarre in the pic hit the jump to see what she was talking about. Steph Bassanini
Sabrina B. Webb Simpson won the 2012 U.S. Open for the first major championship of his career yesterday.  During the presentation of the U.S. Open trophy, as Simpson was being interviewed by Bob Costas, a rather odd gentleman sporting a Union Jack hat entered the frame and began squawking like a bird. Well, that was awkward. Have to love Webb’s comment to the videobomber as he’s hauled off by security:  “Enjoy the jail cell, pal.†Check out the video…
Sabrina B. Boston police are investigating an alleged stabbing that occurred immediately outside of TD Garden following Game 6. Witnesses say the suspect, allegedly wearing a Heat jersey, stabbed a Celtics fan on his right thigh with a switchblade-like knife.
Sabrina B. Gotta love fans that go crazy for their teams!  This guy is no exception! #YANKEES! Check out his story…