(Photos) Man “Scared The Sh-t” Out Of Amy Schumer

Comedienne Amy Schumer was visiting Greenville, South Carolina when a man “scared the sh-t out of her.” After the man rudely requested a photo and Amy declined he insisted telling her ” this is America and we paid for you.”

(Video) Say What?! Mayor of Birmingham Is A Huge Young Thug Fan

Young Thug’s unique sound attracts a lot of different fans, but you’ll be surprised who really is out here bumping ‘Slime Season 3’.

(Photo) Rihanna Has Been Offering Encouraging Words To A Fan On Coming Out The Closet

Man, Rihanna is just the greatest. A fan, who wishes to sty anonymous, revealed Rihanna has been offering her advice on how to come out of the closet.

(Video) NBA: Kid Runs on the Court to Give Carmelo Anthony a Hug

Now we’ve seen a few adults run on the court to try to get to LeBron James and others and get their ass hauled out the arena but what happens when it’s a cute little kid?

(Photos) WOW…Phife Dawg Passes, Fan Says It Should’ve Been Wale…

No respect. This “fan” wished Wale passed away instead of the legendary Phife Dawg. Cold hearted world let me tell ya…a surprise celebrity came to Wale’s aid though! Hit the jump.

(Photo) Fan Gets A Young Metro Tattoo

A fan gets a tattoo of the famous line “If Young Metro don’t trust you I’m gon shoot you.” The line has been used by Future and also in Kanye West’s “Beautiful Morning” song on ‘T.L.O.P.’ Not sure if the line is worthy enough of a tattoo. The man has the words with a gun. I don’t think I would want to grow old with that line on me.

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