(Video) Young Guru Let’s Us Know About His Google Glass Experience

I have been waiting for for an invite for a little while now, waiting to the point I started to lose my excitement. But as I ran across this footage of extraordinary music producer, Young Guru, having such a beautiful tech experience, I have been reinvigorated with excitement!!

Kicks: @adidasoriginals x Present FelasOriginal Experience

Felipe “Fela” Castro won last year adidiasOriginals Experience. He got to decide what premiums should be just fine and invited 50 children and 5 established artists. Together they made a tremendous show – of youth, for youth! Hit the jump to watch a movie from the legendary night.

(Video) Tech Talk News: How To Enable Instant Uploads To Your Google + !!

I have been getting into Google + a little more because of Tat Wza. Learning all these cool little tricks for it also has me on it more compared to Facebook and Twitter. Check out the How To video after the jump to make your Google + experience a little better. WZA on Google+ X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk Marketing: Angry Birds Make Commercial For Google Chrome

Although riddled with information, This Commercial is Tough, The Actual Angry Birds make their Acting Debut as themselves, On TV, Not just the Web, wow, things are getting Real!! Hit The Jump!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

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