Tech Talk Gaming: Is Video Game Exercise Games Really Exercise??

I know Wii sports had my heart pumping playing things like boxing but is it really exercise? Hit the jump to check it out. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk News: NY School To Start Tracking Student Fitness Levels!!

Celebrity Fit Club is now in the classroom. A school in New York is going to track student fitness levels with Polar Active fitness monitors. Hit the jump for the full story. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

First Lady Michelle Obama Sets World Record For Jumping Jacks

First Lady Michelle Obama is now a world record holder. She announced in an email Monday morning that her effort back in October to break the record for the most people doing jumping jacks in a 24-hour period has succeeded. Hit the jump for the story. @WiLMajor

51% of Women Would SKIP Sex to Be Skinny!

Fitness magazine just conducted a survey of 2,400 women and found that 51% of them would skip sex for a year if it meant they’d be skinny by the end of it. The rest of them said that they’d rather be overweight and still have sex. That’s a big percentage!! I plead the fifth on this one. LOL! Ladies…would YOU skip sex for a whole year if it meant you could be thin at the end?? @MarisaMendez

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