Unlike the original EVO 4G which was powered by WiMax this new EVO will be on the LTE network. Think this is worth the buy? Hit the jump to check out the preview of the device. Follow @TatWza +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+
Unlike the original EVO 4G which was powered by WiMax this new EVO will be on the LTE network. Think this is worth the buy? Hit the jump to check out the preview of the device. Follow @TatWza +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+
We just can’t get enough of the new 2012 Porsche 911. Earlier this month, we had our first stint behind the wheel of Porsche’s new icon, and since then, we’ve been reading (and watching) what others have to say about the 991 911. EVO magazine’s Chris Harris recently took a Carrera S out along the twisty backroads of California, and in addition to giving the car a proper critiquing, Harris manages to get the car sideways once or twice, for good measure. Funk Flex
Security researchers say they’ve uncovered a flaw in several smartphone models produced by HTC that gives any application that has Internet access the keys to a trove of information on the phone, including e-mail addresses, GPS locations, phone numbers, and text message data. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA
Well yes It’s an EVO gaming system, it’s just not the EVO your thinking of, you know the the HTC version, no it’s Not that one, this one is from a company called Envizions, oddly enough it does use Android, but hit the Jump for the details! @TatWZA
Modder Jack Malone had made the EVOtainment Systemout of a Nerf Wii racing wheel, a Wii Remote, A Wii Classic Controller, and of coarse an HTC EVO…See Details @TatWza