Kanye West has been the talk of the town for quite some time now. From the release of his latest project, The Life of Pablo, to his daily Twitter rants and SNL meltdown, many are questioning the stability and mental health of the rapper. Several celebs including Deion Sanders, Stephen Colbert and Rhymefest have all recently spoke out on Kanye’s mental state saying he needs to seek help. More recently, comedian Chelsea Handler shared her thoughts on the subject. In an interview with ET Canada, Handler talked about Ye’ saying, “I’ve always thought he’s a maniac and he just sounds like more of one,” she said. “He’s delusional. He’s always been delusional.” She then spoke on the rapper’s recent drama with pop star Taylor Swift, involving lyrics on his track ‘Famous.’ “He did this to Taylor Swift 5 or 6 years ago, he went up and stole her award,” she stated, “And nobody thought he was nuts then?” Hit the jump for more.