Auto Talk: 3 of 4 major rental car outfits won’t pledge not to rent or sell recalled vehicles

In 2004, Raechel and Jackie Houck were killed when they were in a fiery accident in the 2004 Chrysler PT Cruiser they had rented from Enterprise. The girls’ mother, Cally Houck, sued Enterprise when it was discovered that their Chrysler was the subject of a recall to repair a power steering hose leak over a potential fire issue, yet the car hadn’t been reparied before it was rented. The five-year trial concluded in 2010, with Enterprise admitting negligence, at which point it was ordered by a jury to pay $15 million in damages. Funk Flex

The Enterprise Space Shuttle Makes A Trip Over NYC

An unusual flying object came to New York from Washington today — the space shuttle Enterprise.  Enterprise zoomed around the city, riding piggyback on top of a modified jumbo jet. Its trip included flyovers of the city and landmarks including the Statue of Liberty and the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum on Manhattan’s west side.  Hit the jump for the full story and a bunch more pics of the amazing aircraft! @DJMatthewTyler

Tech Talk Mobile: Blackberry Getting In The Software Business???

Is tis a sign they are going to leave the device industry?? I don’t know, but if they do, I called it, And I will add they if they do, they are taking the way of Sega, leaving the Gaming units to only Focus on Games, Smart, Although I always felt like Sega made that move too early, and RIM is taking too long, but any who hit the Jump for what’s going on here! +TatWZA

Tech Talk Device: Is Blackberry Starting To Beg????

RIM’s attempt to rapidly clear stock of the BlackBerry PlayBook mounted on Thursday with a new promo for business buyers. Companies that buy BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5 before the end of 2011 get a free 16GB version of the tablet. The deal is retroactive to October 12 and still includes $400 off the cost of a pro install on a given company’s behalf. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

Tech Talk Web: Fresh Off Of Google+’s “What’s Hot”!!!

So We told you Google+ has the NEW “What’s Hot”, which is the +’s ‘Trending Topics’ Stream, Broken down means when you post something on your Stream, and you get a certain amount of Share’s poplin, you’re in the “What’s Hot” Stream, Well I got some content from that stream I would like to share with you!! Hit the Jump! WZA on Google+

Tech Talk NEW: Motorola Drops Business Class Tablet, Blackberry Playbook Claims Battleship Sank!!!

I’m really just joking about Blackberry Playbook Claim, but can’t you hear it, after Motorola Rolls out a NEW Enterprise Tablet, aka Business Class, which is what Blackberry is built on, RIM saying “You Sank My Battleship” Sorry RIM you’re having a rough year :-(. Anyway, Hit the Jump to find out what Motorola’s Strategic plan is!!! WZA on Google+

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