(Video) 93 Year Old Sky Dives With Ashes Of Late Wife?!

A dedicated husband who recently lost his other half, made sure that her last wishes were met, when he took hold of her promise in a daring way! Hit the jump for more!

Legionnaires’ Disease Hits Retirement Center?!?

Legionnaires Disease has hit the Ohio area, affecting a retirement home and their residents. Hit the jump to hear more of the disease and those affected!

(Photos) Canes Must Still Be In! The Scooter Store Is No More !!!

The Scooter Store made a few poor choices that caused them to be on this road. Hit the jump for the full story!

Two 80-Year Old Women Parachute For Charity

This is really inspiring! An 83 yr old and 84 yr old parachuted from a plane to raise money for a veteran’s program. We all know what happened the last time an elder woman tried to parachute out of a plane. But, read what happened in this case after the jump. Gernique N

Son, 54, Blames Satan After He Brutally Murdered His Elderly Mother

A man brutally murdered his mother with a knife and claimed that Lucifer was to blame. The man had a history of mental illness. Hit the jump for the full story. steveisDOPE

Tech Talk News: Elderly Lady Sues Apple For $1M After Breaking Nose In The Store!!!

Eighty-three-year-old Evelyn Paswall had a nasty accident in the Apple store in Manhasset, New York. Well she is looking for a nice piece of change for her troubles. Hit the jump for the full story. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

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