(Photo) Forget WiFi, Are You Ready For Sat-Fi?!

I have like 2 Hotspot, My clear for work, cause it works great there and is unlimited, and a Verizon MiFi for trying to catch a signal every where else. BUT if I had a Sat-Fi, that could get a signal ANYWHERE in the world, sign me up!!

#DJFunkFlexApp New Music: Mac Miller ft. Future – Earth

Mac Miller links with Future to bring us a new record entitled “Earth”. Take a listen after the jump!

Look To The Sky… And See A Planetary Triple Play?!?

Yupp, that’s right. You’ll be able to see planetary triple play… Three planets visible in the clear sky. So which planets can you see??

(Must See Video) Canadian Official Announces There Are 4 Species Of Aliens ON Earth!!!

You may have seen this, But If you haven’t, You REALLY Need to!! Not Only does Homeboy tell us(in an Official Government Meeting) about Alien Life on Earth BUT he also talks about a Secret Society that is the organization that Really Controls our world, I’m talking Bigger than the Illuminati 0_0 Hit the Jump Fam!!

NASA To Catch An Asteroid & Land On It?!?

Obama’s budget proposal is going through Congress next week, and in it $100 million is set aside for a new project where we “lasso” an asteroid, land on it and discover what’s on it. The US is going to mine the materials on the asteroid and also try to figure out an action plan if asteroids were to threaten the earth again. Check out the rest of the proposal after the jump.

Record-Breaking Asteroid To Skim Past The Earth Next Month!!

A large asteroid is set to skim right past the Earth’s surface next month, precisely February 15th. The asteroid is half the size of a football field. The asteroid is reportedly closer than the satellites that host GPS tracking devices which is record-breakingly close. The asteroid will be 17,200 miles above the Earth’s surface. Click below for a news video regarding the asteroid and for some photos.

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