Tech Talk Apps: Control Your DVR From Your Android With Peel And Google TV!

Don’t miss a episode of your favorite show with Google TV and the Peel app. Check out exactly what Peel does for you after the jump. ShottaDru X TatWza

Tech Talk Rumor Is: The NEW Xbox Is Taking On TiVo???

Apparently the NEW Xbox 720 will have all kinds of goodies, but a recent filing with the US Patent and Trademarking Office shows a really Clean goodie, Hit the Jump! +TatWZA

Tech Talk App: On-Line DVR, There’s An App For That!!!

This is really more a Program than App, but This is very exciting news, because I don’t rely on cable for much of the exciting shows on cable, Nope, I go on the web and go to different sites to watch different programs, and with my schedule it gets to be a lot, but MediaMall is telling us they have a fix for that with “PlayLater”. Hit the Jump to find out what you need to know!!! Tat WZA

Car DVR Could Record Your Car Accident!!!!

This is The Car DVR and it records twenty minute segments of 640×480 video on an onboard SD card, Motion Detector grabs footage when you actively drive, giving a constantly updated log in front and behind you. Clean, as long as you don’t get hit while parked! See Details to Purchase. @TatWza

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