Hmmm, Does Dr. Cornel West give a valid argument or not? Hit the Jump for the full story.
Hmmm, Does Dr. Cornel West give a valid argument or not? Hit the Jump for the full story.
I mean this man can’t get a break of any sort. Everyone is happy that Romney isn’t our president, however they are still pissed that Obama is. Make up your minds. The next person to fall in on the “Bash Obama Band-Wagon” is Dr. Cornel West. In an interview with Amy Goodman, on “Democracy Now”, Dr. West mentions how the presidential candidates should be ashamed of how much money they spend on their electoral campaigns. President Obama, is a “Rockefeller Republican in blackface,” stated Dr. West. Obama wasn’t the only one being talked about. Rev. Al Sharpton, Dr. Michael Eric Dyson and Dr. Melissa Harris-Perry rolled off the nationally known speakers tongue as well. “We’re living in a society where everybody is up for sale. Everything is up for sale. And he and Brother Sharpton and Sister Melissa and others, they have sold their souls for a mess of Obama pottage.” Come on people, we could be in worse hands. JaaiR (JR)
Dr. Cornel West is calling his good friend, Jay-Z, out, asking that he be more truthful about his NBA business venture. Specifically, the very vocal author/activist, wants Jay to be honest about his Brooklyn Nets ownership. During a recent speech, West alleges that Jay owns much less than the public knows–one fifteenth of one percent. In fact, he says the person that owns the majority (80%) of the team is a ‘Russian Gangster’. Read more after the jump Quay
This past Tuesday Dr. Cornel West Joined the protester’s at Zuccotti Park in downtown Manhattan. They are Protesting the Greed of Wall St, which Most of America believes has the economy in the rut that it’s in, well those that haven’t benefitted from it at least! Hit the Jump and see what the good Dr. has to say!! WZA on Google+