(Photos) You’ll Never Guess What New Business Venture Cam’Ron And Dame Dash Has Started Together!?

Dame Dash and Cam’Ron had major success once before in the music world and now they are pairing up again! Will this venture be as successful or more? Find out what it is after the jump…

Aereo Is Talking With A Few Service Providers!!

Aereo, a tv streaming company, has been having talks with companies, AT&T, Dish Network and numerous cable networks to bring its services by using new distribution methods. The company as of now is only available in New York City Metro area but has plans to broaden out to 22 cities this year.

Tech Talk News: Google And Dish In Talks To Launch Wireless Network

The word is Google wants to partner up with Dish to develop its own wireless network. If this were to work Google would be able to release its own hardware on its own wireless network.  Not a bad idea but at the moment it could be all talks. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

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