I really didn’t want to report this, as it puts two artists together in what’s basically a media-manipulated beef of sorts, but it truly is an interesting story that has certainly gained traction on the web in the last day or so. As you know, Brooklyn newcomer Desiigner sounds like a carbon copy of Atlanta-bred Future, leaving a distaste in the mouth of hardcore hip-hop heads and plaguing him with a “knockoff” association. However, bear in mind that he’s only 18, and thus has grown up on the trap sound that Future and many others have popularized…combined with the fact that when he talks, he really does sound like his rap voice. It’s not a gimmick! However, he could be enjoying the comparisons and even trolling a bit now, as he has named his next as-of-yet unreleased single “Pluto” – which is what Future‘s debut album was named.