NBA: Whoa! Check Out Allen Iverson’s Monthly Income vs. What He SPENDS Per Month!

Things that make you say WOW.  Here’s a prime example of an athlete that NEEDS to check out ESPN’s 30 For 30 Broke Documentary!!  Apparently, AI is digging himself into a nice financial hole. smh.  I’ll never ever understand this.  Check out what his monthly income is and what he’s spending per month. GameTimeGirl

We Couldn’t Make It Up If We Tried To

This Patraeus scandel has it all. Sex, lies, theft, money, power and I would not be surprised at all if tomorrow breaking news with these people included murder. Jill Kelley, the woman who initially went to FBI and started a nationally known investigation is flat broke. Kelley is walking around with fancy clothes, nice cars, and a big house as if she doesn’t owe a red cent. Court records are showing that Kelley owes the banks and credit card companies. Bank of America is saying she owes $328,338 on her home valued at $1,837,571. The mortgage hasn’t been paid on since 2009. What in next with these people? Check down bottom for more. JaaiR (JR)

Obama Talks To The Youth In MTV Interview

The topics ranged from guns to culture, but the most significant topic of the evening was education. President Obama laid out plans to reduce student debt while increasing the value of the educational system. Please click below for more info. Funk Flex

MLB: Curt Schilling May Have To Sell Bloody Sock To Cover Debt

Former Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling might have to sell the famed blood-stained sock he wore during the 2004 World Series to cover millions of dollars in loans he guaranteed to his failed video game company. GameTimeGirl

Americans Paying Off Debts!

More Americans are paying off debts in today’s economy. According to the latest survey by S&P Dow Jones Indices and Experian, most loans saw a decrease in default rates. Click below to read more. Jason J.

NFL: Ex-NFL Star Jamal Lewis Files For Bankruptcy With Over $10.5 Million in Debt!

Retired NFL star Jamal Lewis — who helped the Baltimore Ravens win the Super Bowl in 2001 — has filed for bankruptcy, claiming he’s a financial train wreck … and can’t pay his eight-figure debt.  Read more after the jump. Shay Marie x Sabrina B.

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