Urbance is a new animated series that tells the story of a universe where gender is split in an all out war and having sex will kill you!
Urbance is a new animated series that tells the story of a universe where gender is split in an all out war and having sex will kill you!
A Houston man has just been sentenced to 25 years in prison after chocking his prom date to death back in 2014. Eddie Herrera admitted to choking 17-year-old Jackie Gomez at a hotel during rough sex.
Before she passed, Afeni Shakur was smart emough to guard her son’s legendary music catalogue with an apparent untouchable trust, employing one of the best people in the business to do so.
There has been speculation regarding whether Prince left a will or not, and his sister has just confirmed that he has not. Tyga has officially filed legal documents to open a probate case, asking the judge to appoint a “special administrator” for his estate, since there is no executor named in a will. Under Minnesota law, assets of someone without a will are to be divided equally amongst their next of kin, and full and half siblings are treated the same. This would mean that there are 6 people set to inherit Prince’s fortune – Tyka, his only full sibling, and his 5 half-siblings John, Norrine, Sharon, Alfred and Omarr. And could it be possible that Prince was a father?
On Friday morning, the coroner’s office began the four-hour autopsy on Prince, but results from the exam won’t be disclosed until toxicology results come back. This could take several weeks. They’re also collecting his medical records, as well as family medical history to complete their investigation.
As we’ve been hearing the last two days about the disgusting and sad death of Delaware highschool student Amy Joyner-Francis, students and adults are both hurt and confused. Her father Sonny speaks on the pain of losing his child.