Tech Talk Warning: AT&T Sends Text To Heavy Data User’s!!!

IF you are on AT&T, don’t forget I told you back in July, throttling was coming, and it seems text messages have already gone out to tell heavy user’s to Slow it up, before they get slow’d up! Hit the Jump!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Rumor Is: Verizon Will Have The Best Data Rates???

 It seems Verizon is test running, to a small group of users, a 300mb Data plan for a very small price, and Rumor is it’s to be offered this holiday to everybody, but you really need to hear why, after the Jump! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Usage: Verizon Plans On Taking Minutes…

  This summer Verizon plans on dropping its unlimited data options from it’s data plans and changing its structure by using an tiered data pricing scheme. According to Verizon they plan on offering data services supporting multiple devices including smartphones and tablet computers, according to a top executive of parent company Verizon Communications. @TatWZA @YJB

Tech Talk Device: Playstation Phone(Xperia Play) Is Finally Coming To the US!!!!

The fabled Playstation Phone is Available on Verizon SOON, Hit the Jump to see exactly when!! @TatWZA

AT&T Customers There’s Good News, And Bad News!!!

OK some News leaked about up coming price changes in messaging/Data plans at AT&T, 1st the Bad News, No More $5 for 200 messages, and $15 for 1500 messages Plans….See Details. @TatWza

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