(Video) President Obama Speaks On Baton Rouge Police Shooting

President Barack Obama addressed the nation on Sunday after the shooting that took place in Baton Rouge, Louisiana that left three officers dead and three others wounded. The incident took place Sunday in Baton Rouge, La., a city that has experienced increased tension since police fatally shot Alton Sterling earlier this month.

(Video) Ex NYC Mayor Rudi Giuliani Says Black Children Have A 99% Chance Of Killing Each Other & #BlackLivesMatter Is Racist

Sunday, with his appearance on CBS’ “Face The Nation” Ex Mayor Rudy Giuliana made some extremely insensitive comments. Of the comments Giuliani states that black children are violent and have a 99% chance of killing each other. He also makes some disbaraging comments about #BlackLivesMatter, calling the group “Racist” and “Unamerican”. More details after the jump.

(Video) Co-Founder Of Black Lives Matter, Alicia Garza, Talks About The Dallas Shooting

Alicia Garza joins Chris Hayes and speaks on behalf of Black Lives Matter and where they stand on the Dallas shooting and BLM’s view of police officers in general.

Nearly 200 People Arrested Over Night While Protesting Police Brutality

Protests continue across the U.S. and momentum is not slipping anytime soon. Mirroring the civil rights movement, thousands have gathered over the weekend to take a stance against police brutality. In the wake of the thousands which gathered across the United States to take a stance nearly 200 protesters were arrested overnight. At least 198 people were arrested between New York, Chicago, St. Paul Minnesota, and Baton Rouge.

Cornel West Says Obama’s Response To Police Shootings Was “Weak”

Shots fired, Mr. President. Let’s just say Cornel West is not the biggest fan of President Obama right now. Hit the jump to find out what he said.

San Antonio: Shots Fired At Police Head Quarters

Gun fire hit the side of a police head quarters in San Antonio. Upon inspecting the area bullet marks were found on the wall outside as well as there were shell casings found on the of the alley. There are reports of a suspect allegedly fleeing from the alley soon after the shots were fired. The reports are being investigated by Chief of Police William McManus.

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