Tech Talk Money: Apple Releases An Earnings Report….They Made How Much???

The Report contains Numbers for the past 3 Months(Net, & Earnings), which would include the iPhone 4S Sales, and the Holidays. I have to Say, it’s a Really Nice Number, Hit the Jump so you can say it with me. +TatWZA

Tech Talk Pricing: Monthly Money You Would Spend On The iPhone 4S!!!

Ok This is the Info that may get you off the fence one way or the other, Pricing for the 3 different Carriers the iPhone 4S will be on, just Hit the Jump!!! WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Poll: Will You Be Getting The iPhone 4S???

A LOT of people have made it clear to me, they are upset the 5 didn’t come out! I mean to be honest, I’m sure we all are, but as a Tech Guy, I see how revolutionary the 4S is, I mean it’s really the 5 in a 4 body, so Cosmetics doesn’t really matter to me, but I get that the consumer I understand that if you see the same phone, you think it’s the same phone, so I want to know, how many of you are REALLY gonna get the 4S??? Hit the Jump, Take the Poll!! WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Innovative: See Steve Jobs’ iOffice(Update)!!!

So the image above is what Steve Jobs has asked the Cupertino city council if he could build, and peep the video for his threat should he not be able to build it!! (UPdate) @TatWZA

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