WHOA!!! BBM Coming To iOS And Android Plus WHAT?!?!

Yup, Looks Like it’s True!!! Personally I think it’s BB letting go of control since they have no burn out there, and this is the beginning of making individual digital properties valuable, so when they begin this fire sale, some bigger company will buy the pieces from them, smart! I can’t front, I used to Love BBM, and when it drops for the Right OS’s, I’ll get it on Both My iPhone And Android!! Hit the Jump!!

Tech Talk Mobile: Blackberry Getting In The Software Business???

Is tis a sign they are going to leave the device industry?? I don’t know, but if they do, I called it, And I will add they if they do, they are taking the way of Sega, leaving the Gaming units to only Focus on Games, Smart, Although I always felt like Sega made that move too early, and RIM is taking too long, but any who hit the Jump for what’s going on here! +TatWZA

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