(Photos) Batman To Fatman: Christian Bale Explains Weight Gain For New Movie!

Christian Bale put on 40 pounds to play the leading role in “American Hustle”. “American Hustle”, which hits theaters Friday, is based on a con artist (Mel Weinberg) hired by the FBI for the ABSCAM sting. After seeing a picture of the real life Weinberg, the 39 year old actor decided to go big or go home. To read more, click below.

How Low Can You Get?! Newtown Scam Artist Caught!

The picture above is of Noah Posner, one of the victims that was killed last friday in the Newtown Tragedy. The Posner families fire was fueled even more when they found out a complete stranger was soliciting money using Noah’s tragic story. Man were they HEATED! As soon as they found out, authorities were called right away and the suspect was arrested. It’s crazy how they same thing happened, after the Virginia Tech Incident, The Columbine shooting, and when 9/11 happened. People will do anything for money SMH! Funk Flek

Scam Artist Leaves Family Of 13 Homeless In Atlanta

Nowadays, you really have to be on top of things. No third party dealings, always be in charge of your finances and plans. A woman in Atlanta had been paying rent to some people who did not own her home for months. Hit the jump for details. Gernique N

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