NBA: 30 Years Later, Charles Barkley Admits To Doing What In College?

I still get upset when current & retired pro athletes admit years after the fact to cheating in college or taking some kind of money while they were there. I don’t mind the fact they did it personally, but I do mind the fact that their admissions cause no repercussions for themselves, but cause big issues for current and soon to be athletes at those schools. Charles Barkley admitted in an upcoming interview that he took money from agents multiple times while he was at Auburn, as much as $20,000 in one shot. If someone had known this at the time Barkley would of had alot of problems, but he was able to hide it. I do like the spin Barkley is trying to put on it with his comments though. Hit the jump.

NCAA: New Lawsuit Could Provide College Athletes With Compensation

In a surprising move that, if successful, could lead to much greater financial rewards for many college athletes, lawyers representing former college football and men’s basketball players told a federal court that they now seek to change the way current athletes are compensated for the use of their images.  Read more after the jump. Shay Marie x Sabrina B.

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