Karrueche RUSHES To The Clinic After Finding Out About Chris Brown’s Raw Dogging Ways!

…It was all good just a week ago! After news broke about Chris Brown’s love child with Houston model Nia Gonzalez, this was apparently what it took for Karrueche Tran to finally be done with her on-again, off-again Breezy bae. Sources close to Karrueche have revealed that she is currently fearing for her kitty cat’s life (and no, we do not mean the animal). Tran rushed to the clinic ASAP Rocky after finding out about Breezy’s dirty raw dogging ways that resulted in a little baby named Royalty. Although I hate to break it to her, but she probably should have BEEN done that buttttttttt… I’m sleep doe. A source reveals:

“Karrueche’s day will be spent in the doctors office. She’s rethinking everything Chris ever told her. She’s keeping her fingers crossed that she doesn’t have any STD’s. She was gone for a month working on a film and had sex with him before she left and when she came back. She’s hoping she doesn’t have to pay for it now. S*** just got real.

However, Karrueche is apparently dunzo with CB for good this time. “She’s removing herself from Chris Brown entirely,” the source reveals. “She doesn’t care about her clothes and all the other things at his house. She never, ever wants to see him again or be in his presence. She’s absolutely disgusted by him and his deceiving and manipulative ways.” We just have one question for Mr. Brown– Breezy, why didn’t you reach up in…

Medical Mistake Is Said To Be The Cause Of Joan Rivers’ Death!!!

Understatement… The clinic that performed a endoscopy procedure on Joan Rivers’ vocal cords is under major scrutiny. It’s now being said that the major fail began with the location of where the surgery took place. More details down bottom.

(GRAPHIC PHOTO) Photographer Captures The Moment A Mexican Woman Gave Birth WHERE!??!

The pic pretty much sums it up. 28-year-old Irma López Aurelio rushed to a Mexican clinic after intense contractions woke her up from her sleep. Once she reached the clinic, they had her wait two hours. But, ain’t nobody got time for dat, especially with a child on the way. She gave birth right out front, and a newspaper photographer published a picture of the mother with the baby lying on the grass, umbilical cord still attached. Check it out after the jump.

Gross or Helpful? Super Bowl Village To Offer Lactation Room For Mothers

Well this is both weird and a good idea at the same time: Indianapolis’ Super Bowl Village will be offering breast-feeding mothers a “clinic” in which they can comfortably breastfeed their babies. Full details after the jump! Wendy L.

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