Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Says U.S. Is The Reason Why He Has Cancer

Just one day after Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez hinted that the U.S. may be the reason behind the cancer affecting many of the South American leaders. Read more after the jump! Wendy L.

U.S. Stops CIA Drone Strikes In Pakistan

The U.S. has put drone strikes in Pakistan “on hold” to save a post-9/11 allegiance that’s on life support. A strike now could “push U.S.-Pakistan relations past the point of no return.” I’m convinced that WW3 is on the way and with that comes the end of the world. Even if the world doesn’t end in 2012, we might end it with all these countries going at each other. Click below to find out more. @WiLMajor

Tech Talk News: Check Out The Government’s “Ninja Librarians” !!!

Recently we made a post about social networks being monitored by authorities. Well check out more info on the team of “ninja librarians” down in Washington. WZA on Google+ X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk News: Tweets Is Watching

The CIA Open Source Center has revealed that the CIA and FBI are watching at least five million tweets per day and that’s not all they are watching! A team of agents is currently watching over tweets, Facebook posts, newspapers, blogs, TV news channels, internet chat rooms, and local radio stations that anyone in this country and overseas can access. The team, known as the “vengeful librarians,” constist of all different agents who speak languages from Arabic to Mandarin and look out for everything from a simple blog post to an angry rant. Read more about what they are looking for after the jump. Julie1205 x +TatWZA

Afghan Employee At CIA Office In Kabul Shoots American Dead And Wounds Another

An Afghan man employed by the U.S. government opened fire inside a CIA office in Kabul, killing an American and injuring a second. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story. @wiL

Biden Swears In Petraeus As CIA Director

Vice President Joe Biden is praising David Petraeus, the new director of the Central Intelligence Agency, as a man of honor who has always been willing to sacrifice for his country. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story. Funk Flex Find Flex On Google+

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