FOOD: Top 5 Most Ridiculous Celebrity Food Endorsements

We know that some celebrities will do anything to remain relevant. Understandable is a rapper like Dr. Dre selling headphones or a model like Tyra Banks endorsing beauty products, but some of these food endorsements are just plain silly. Check out the top 5 most ridiculous food endorsements below! @iBLONDEgenius

Teens Want To Make A Sex Tape After Reading A Book On How To Become A Celebrity

After reading the e-book, It’s All About the Sex Face: A Guide to Becoming a Celebrity, teens are more eager to make a sex tape so they could become famous. A mother caught her teen daughter and her best friend plotting on how they were going to pull this off and become the next Kim Kardashian. The book claims that a sex tape will land you fame, put you in the front seat of award shows, have paparazzi following them around, promises of a reality show and more. The girls read about the book on Twitter and spread the word to her friends. At least a mother caught on to the plan before it was too late. Read more below. Funk Flex

(Video)Tech Talk App: @Viddy’s Hot!!! Celebrity Backers, New Position In App Store, And More User’s!!!

I am SO excited for Viddy, and I did say “I’ve seen this Movie before” And the script is going exactly as written, The Best Part is they have More user’s, and you won’t believe How many more in less than a month, Hit the Jump!! +TatWZA

(Photos) Coachella 2012 Sightings: Katy Perry, Rihanna, Paris Hilton, & More!

Lindsay Lohan wasn’t the only celeb rocking out at Coachella this weekend… as the weekend progressed, tons of stars came out to kick back, have some fun, and support their favorite artists. Check out some pics of celebrity sightings after the jump! Wendy L.

(Video) Tech Talk Funny: Check Out Some Celebrities Read Insulting Tweets Out Loud!!!

Ever vent to a celebrity via Twitter? We see it every day. @GeraldoRivera was getting roasted today for his comments on Trayvon Martin. Well check out some other celebrities reading their not so nice tweets after the jump.

The 3 Rules Of A Celebrity Sex Tape

There comes a time in many celebrities careers where their private lives become very public(not the way they intend it to be). The celebrity sex scandal has become something of the norm since the days of Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee’s sex tape. Which brings me to this article called “The 3 Rules Of A Celebrity Sex Tape.” I found this to be very entertaining and a good read and decided to share it with you. Click below to read the 3 rules. @WiLMajor

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