Today I wanted to start off by writing about a beautiful young girl that has not only impacted my life but the lives of many. On August 28, 2011, Little Angelina was diagnosed with stage three neuroblastoma. She has been a fighter ever since. On September 28, 2012 Angelina went in to have her central line removed. It was then that her parents demanded an ultrasound because Angelina had been complaining about a pain in her abdomen. Unfortunately doctors discovered three tumors. Angelina has one in her liver, one in her lungs, and one in her kidney. At this point her family is hoping and praying Angelina will recover. This Saturday October 20, 2012, a fundraiser is being held in her name. The fundraiser will be held at The West Five Supper Club 505 Madison St. (Corner of 5th St.) Hoboken, New Jersey 07030. If you cannot attend please make a donation to For more info on Angelina’s health and fundraiser click below. Eloisa Melo