(Photo) Twitter Adding Buying Power To Your Timeline?!

Twitter has been really on a make over grind, adding little UI do dads here and there, of course cause a ripple across all apps and plugins related to Twitter, but this NEW addition might be what takes them to yet another level!!

Tech Talk Mobile: Google Says The Menu Button is Dead

It has finally happened, folks. The Menu button is officially dead. The Android team at Google just announced that Android no longer requires a dedicated Menu button. Of course, that doesn’t mean that some OEMs won’t try to stick it on their devices. But for all Google cares, the dedicated Menu button is a thing of the past. And in just a few months, all Google-approved Android devices will launch without it. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Google+ Has How Many User’s Now???

I men I feel a little psychic, cause I’ve been saying G+ is gonna be big, while in Beta they grew cagy, then they went Public and claimed 10 millie more in 2 days, well now it’s been a few short months, and the growth has grown, Hit the Jump. +TatWZA

Tech Talk NEW: Google Has Added Some Search Features!!!

Ok so I initially saw a post on TC about adding writers to your google+ Circles, but I went to try that out for myself, and found a couple more interesting facts, Hit the Jump to Examine for yourself!! WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Gaming: Google+ Game Play!!!

Now that Google+ is open to everyone, and the community is growing, AND you have read the Tutorial, or just figured it out for yourself, it’s time for some good ‘ole Fun!! Google+ has Games! Hit the Jump for a quick walk through!!! WZA on Google+

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