Tech Talk Mobile: Blackberry Getting In The Software Business???

Is tis a sign they are going to leave the device industry?? I don’t know, but if they do, I called it, And I will add they if they do, they are taking the way of Sega, leaving the Gaming units to only Focus on Games, Smart, Although I always felt like Sega made that move too early, and RIM is taking too long, but any who hit the Jump for what’s going on here! +TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Will Google Maps Start Charging Users?

Google maps is a asset to your smartphone. Will there be a fee associated with it now for usage though? Hit the jump for the full story. WZA on Google+ X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk News: Guess Who Sold The Most Smartphones This Quarter???

I know who you’re thinking it is, but I don’t know if you really know who it is, Hit the Jump! WZA on Google+

Tech Talk NEW: Motorola Drops Business Class Tablet, Blackberry Playbook Claims Battleship Sank!!!

I’m really just joking about Blackberry Playbook Claim, but can’t you hear it, after Motorola Rolls out a NEW Enterprise Tablet, aka Business Class, which is what Blackberry is built on, RIM saying “You Sank My Battleship” Sorry RIM you’re having a rough year :-(. Anyway, Hit the Jump to find out what Motorola’s Strategic plan is!!! WZA on Google+

Tech Talk News: Arthur C. Nielsen Jr Dies At 92

It’s so Much Death this Week, 1st My Uncle, The @DjJuanyto‘s Mom Passed, Then Steve Jobs, and now the Man that started the ratings system by which we know how many people actually watch TV(the LIVE stuff), Yet Another Sad Day!!! Hit the Jump to learn a little more. WZA on Google+

Tech Talk News: Guess How Much HP Spent To Buy Software Maker???

I mean this is an incredible #, Especially since they just scrapped their existing software(WebOS), and now they spent a grip on a NEW Software making Company, ‘Autonomy’, but hit the Jump to see how much loose change they had to throw at it!! WZA on Google+

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