(Video) There Is A Right And A Wrong Way To Deal With Bullies….See The WRONG WAY!!!

Lol, I mean there IS a Right and a Wrong way to handle Bullying, And Neither of the 2 examples after the Jump are Both Wrong, But there are Degrees!! The Best Way to Handle Bullies(at least at 1st), Is to let someone know whats going on with you, and Not try and handle it on your own…And That’s where both examples After the Jump go wrong, Just one takes an L, and one Might get suspended from school.

(Video) OMG! Students Bully Teacher!

I have not one clue where Estonia is located but one thing I can tell you is students bully teachers there. Of course this has caused a disturbance from staff and officials. The students are likely to be expelled or banned from schoolwork. I hope their parents beat their a–. Click below to see the video.

Sharon Osbourne Fires Back At Lady Gaga For Her Letter To Kelly Osbourne

Kelly Osbourne, who is a host on the show “Fashion Police,” had some not so nice things to say about Lady Gaga and her weight gain. Kelly, who wasn’t exactly skinny her whole life, made the assumption that Gaga was pregnant because she put on some weight. Gaga then took to her blog to write an open letter to Kelly urging her to stop being a bully. Ironically, Sharon is firing back at Gaga saying that she tried to contact Gaga’s manager to ask her to ask her ‘”little monsters” to stop bullying Kelly. Mrs. Osbourne, who has always been pretty vocal, says she is mad that Gaga’s people wouldn’t contact her back and Gaga’s fans have been sending death threats to Kelly. Read what Sharon said below. Funk Flex

Arizona High School Football Team Stops Bullying Against A Female Student With Brain Disease

A 16 year old girl who attends Queen’s Creek Highschool in AZ was a victim of bullying. She was born with a brain disease called microcephaly. The football team was informed that she was bullied at school and started to have lunch with her consistently. FunkFlex

Teen Girl Commits Suicide After Football Team Brags About Sleeping With Her

This is so tragic. 15-year-old Felicia Garcia jumped to her death in front of a train after some of the football players bragged about sexual conquests with her. She was so humiliated that she tweeted “I can’t. I’m done. I give up.” and then committed suicide. So sad. Click below for more of the story. Melissa

(Video)Washington Teacher Accused Of Joining In Brutal Bullying Of 13-Year-Old Student

John Rosi, a Gig Harbor, Wash., middle school teacher who is accused of bullying a student, was placed on administrative leave and transferred after the alleged victim’s parents called for the teacher to be fired. FInd out more after the jump Quay

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