WNBA: Brittney Griner To Model Men’s Clothing For Nike

Congratulations to Britney Griner on signing a groundbreaking deal with Nike — She is the first openly gay athlete to sign with Nike. It’s great to see her making power moves!  Find out the details of what she’ll be modeling after the jump…

NCAA: Brittney Griner Says She Was Told To Keep Her Sexuality a Secret at Baylor

I remember watching a documentary where college girls were allegedly told to keep their sexuality a secret and how deeply it affected them.  It’s now 2013 and homosexuality though not accepted by everyone, it is widely supported.  However according to this story by former Baylor star Brittney Griner, they haven’t made enough strides.  Read more after the jump.

NBA:(Video) Kareem Teaches Brittney Griner The Sky Hook

Being a tall basketball player obviously has it’s advantages. But being a 6’8 women’s basketball player is a huge advantage. So it is almost unfair that Brittney Griner is taking legendary advice from Kareem Abdul-Jabbar on how to perfect the “sky hook”. The shot is very hard to block, even if your opponent is the same size. But when you have 4-5 inches on most people who will be guarding you, it is just an automatic shot. Check out the video of the practice session after the jump.

Kicks: Brittney Griner x Nike Kobe 8 Systems “Phoenix Mercury”

Brittney Griner just signed to Nike for her professional basketball career, and she wasted no time showing off her Phoenix Mercury Kobe 8 Systems today. These kicks feature both a solid and light orange upper, with a purple lining, purple Nike Swoosh, and a purple midsole. Check out the pic after the jump…

WNBA: Brittney Griner Speaks On Coming Out

Hopefully this will help others that want to come out or people that need to open their mind a little bit.  Brittney Griner, the No. 1 pick in Monday’s WNBA draft, acknowledged Wednesday in interviews that she is gay.

(VIDEO) Sports: Charles Barkley Weighs In on Brittney Griner Playing In The NBA

There’s fans that would love to see Brittney Griner play in the NBA and other fans that wouldn’t.  The ones that wouldn’t have different reasons (some make sense and some are just stupid).  It’s been a topic of discussion since Mark Cuban said he would give her a chance with the Mavs.  She definitely has talent, but is playing with men the right place for her?!  Check out what Charles Barkley had to say about it when he was on the Dan Patrick Show yesterday…

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