Uh Oh! Justin Bieber Actually Giving Up On Selena Gomez For GOOD Now!?

See, the problem with Justin Bieber actually “giving up,” is that now.. Selena Gomez might actually try! It’s unfortunate how the [young] woman’s mind works. He was chasing her around, begging for her back, taking her out to dinner, and even standing outside of her house waiting to get in like a fool. Now, Justin got that Nicki booty and might actually be considering that he should move on! LOL.. okay, well not exactly, but this may really might be the last straw for him! Find out more details after the jump! Biz Baby

No Way! This Is The REAL Reason Why Selena Gomez Stays With Justin Bieber?!

Aww! This is so disappointing (and probably common in Hollywood), I understand that this is young love but I don’t like this news at all! Cute couple, Justin Biebs and Selena Gomez are no longer a real, legit, happy couple. What’s up with Hollywood couples lately?! Find out the details after the jump! Biz Baby

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