A Picture was going around on the Net of what the Word Hey could Mean, especially if there are Extra Y’s on it. Guys, and Gals(if you’re interested), Hit the Jump to find out when it’s a Drunk Text. Follow @TatWza +TatWZA
Mitt Romney rakes in more in a single day than the average American earns over the course of a year. The Republican presidential candidate bowed to political pressure and released his two most recent tax records, which showed Romney raked in $21.7 million in 2010 and paid a tax rate of just 14% (about $3 million) in 2010. Click below to find out more. @WiLMajor
Financial Giant did an imaginary Parts Breakdown of what the iPhone Costs to build, in comparison to what we pay for it, You will not believe the Head beat!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+
Ok So the new Windows is coming, announced yesterday but People want to know, what’s the Big Deal, well I’m gonna help you figure it out! Hit the Jump! @TatWZA