Justin Bieber’s Camp Responds To “Brazilian Hooker” Claims

A video hit the web this morning of a woman blowing a kiss to Justin Bieber while he was passed out in bed in Brazil, and reports allegedly that the woman was a prostitute. It wasn’t far-fetched, considering Justin was just photographed leaving a brothel there a few days before, but Team Bieber is calling BS. As we already knew, Justin has rented a home to stay at during his time in Brazil, and his camp is saying he simply threw a concert after-party, passed out and one of the girls that attended shot footage of him while he was sleeping. Justin says he’s “completely creeped out” by the video and is “disappointed” that he now has to defend himself. Do you believe him though? Hmm!

(Video) Busted! Possible Brazilian Hooker Films Justin Bieber Sleeping Naked In Bed!

Uh oh, Biebs. This week, reports of Justin Bieber having wild sexcapades in a Brazilian brothel hit the news, but they were just rumors. Then, a groupie came forward and exposed the contract that females must sign in order to be in the presence of J. Bieber. HOWEVER, after a Brazilian “woman” leaked a video she recorded of Bieber while he was knocked out naked in bed leads us to believe that JB was really getting it poppin’ with the prostitutes. The hooker in question even blows Justin kisses while he’s sleeping! Get the wild video footage below.

Justin Bieber Groupie Spills All About Contracts They’re Forced To Sign Before Hanging & No Cellphone Rule

Justin Bieber is currently down in Brazil for a few shows, and he’s being extra careful with the groupies. One 18-year-old college girl that was in attendance was ready to spill the beans. “We all had to sign contracts saying we wouldn’t take any photographs and if we did we agreed not to publish them,” Marina Binimeliz told the U.K.’s Mirror. “I was only given my phone back when I left. I tried to take a picture of the contract, but they whipped the phone out of my hand before I could do so.” She added that the house he was stayed in smelled like weed all over, but she never saw Justin smoke. (Right…) I wonder if this is violating the non-disclosure agreements they signed? LOL!

(Video) Oh Sh*t! Justin Bieber Gets Hit STRAIGHT IN THE GRILL By A Water Bottle!

The Biebz has not been winning AT ALL this week. First, he had a Panamanian prostitute describe his “manly parts,” then he gets caught leaving a brothel in Brazil, and now he gets a water bottle thrown at his face while he was performing in Sao Paolo. Hit the jump and check out the footage caught on tape of J. Biebz getting hit in his face by some flying H2O.

(Video) Caught On Tape: Woman Kidnapped In Broad Daylight By Another Woman?!

As I was looking for more video on the Miss Bum Bum competition, I ran across this video that happened this week in Brazil. A woman walking down the street some where in Brazil was just snatched of the street by another woman.

(Warning*18+*Video) Brazil Shows Off There Best Booty’s In 2013 Miss BumBum Competition!!

There is not a lot of ‘back story’ here, just a lot of nice back sides!!

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