Tech Talk Device: A Look At Boost’s NEW Android Phone!!!

A part of my trip to Best Buy, on the way out actually, I ran across what Best Buy calls ‘New’ an Android Galaxy phone for Boost Mobile, Now at the time I assumed it was the new Android I posted about last week, But it’s not 🙁 Hit the Jump for Pics! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Device: Boost Mobile Gets A Powerful Android???

 This really got my attention, to be honest I’m on the most powerful Android phone MetroPCS has to offer, the Samsung Galaxy Indulge, which is nothing to sneeze at even though it’s on the carrier it’s on(I say that cause service sometimes sucks, but so does AT&T, but at least my bill is half), and although it has a 1GHz processor the only thing I think it’s lacking is the fact that it’s still froyo(2.2.1), Hit the Jump to see the difference! Tat WZA

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