Tech Talk Shopping: HP TouchPad $100 Cheaper!!!

I recently went to Best Buy and saw the TouchPad, which it looks truly beautiful, but it was $100 more when I was there, so Now I’m really thinking about it, but I have 1 issue, which I’ll tell you after the Jump! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Device: A Look At Boost’s NEW Android Phone!!!

A part of my trip to Best Buy, on the way out actually, I ran across what Best Buy calls ‘New’ an Android Galaxy phone for Boost Mobile, Now at the time I assumed it was the new Android I posted about last week, But it’s not 🙁 Hit the Jump for Pics! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Shopping: Google’s Nexus S Is FREE…For Today!!!!

If you don’t know about the Google Flagship Android Phone, the Nexus S is the Shizzle, Gingerbread endowed beast is usually $99 on a 2 year contract, but For the Next 24 hours Best Buy is Giving them up for FREE(still with a 2yr contract on AT&T, Sprint, or Tmobile), Hit the Link if your ready for that!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Gaming: Gears Of War 3 Official Release Date!!!

As I left Best Buy the other day, I saw the poster after the jump, and it feels like the date at the bottom is official, unless they change it, but we’ll let you know!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Out & About: @TatWZA Takes A Trip To Best Buy!!!

So I went to Best Buy to see what the Best buy was between the Acer and Asus Tabs, and Well to be honest, there wasn’t much physical difference between them, but you can see for yourself after the jump! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Update: Kyocera Echo Gets Gingerbread!!!!

Ok this is the Update from Android Gingerbread for the Kyocera Echo But better yet I have Exclusive Best Buy Shopping Pics After the Jump!!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

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