(Video) Tech Talk Movies: Check Out The Latest “Dark Knight Rises” Trailer!!

Who is excited for the “Dark Knight Rises” like me? Well check out the latest trailer while can build on your anticipation. Remember the movie hits theaters July 20! ShottaDru X TatWza

(Video) Auto Talk: Chrysler sponsors The Dark Knight Rises, goes Imported From Gotham City

Chrysler and Warner Brothers have partnered up on a new ad for the 300S and The Dark Knight Rises. The spot shows a special concept version of the big sedan being stitched together in Bruce Wayne’s underground lab to music borrowed from the film. Funk Flex

Batman Teaming Up With The Avengers

Batman and The Avengers have teamed up, well kinda. Obviously Batman, the superhero, could never join The Avengers, the superhero group, cause Batman is DC and The Avengers are on Marvel but this summer the two comic giants are kind of coming together. The Dark Knight Rises official trailer will be played before Marvel’s The Avengers in movie theaters nationwide when it opens on May 4. I can’t wait to see both!  Read more below. Julie1205

(Video) MLB: LOL Batman Runs on the Orioles Field, Dances & Gets Chased By Security

This video is too funny.  A fan dressed somewhat like Batman runs onto Orioles field and begins doing some weird dance before security begins to chase him.  I thought I was watching football for a second the way he dodged the tackles before they took him down.  Check it out after the jump. @Shay_Marie x @gametimegirl

Secret “Dark Knight Rises” Villain Confirmed

There has been a lot of buzz about Christopher Nolan’s upcoming movie The Dark Knight Rises including which villains will be featured in the film. Nolan announced that he would not cast Heath Ledger’s Joker and that his upcoming movie would feature Tom Hardy as Bane and Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. Now a secret villain has been confirmed! Find out who which villain it is and who will be playing it after the jump! Julie1205

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