Fans Are Petitioning Against WHICH Star?!

You can’t always make everyone happy, but Warner Bros. did NOT expect this response when they announced that Ben Affleck would be the new batman. Click the jump to see what thousands of unhappy fans did!

It’s Official!!! Guess Who Will Be Playing Batman?!?

In the new Man Of Steel movie that pits Batman and Superman against each other, Henry Cavill had already been selected as Superman, and there were rumors of a shortlist that included a $50 million offer to Christian Bale and Ryan Gosling as possibilities for the 2015 release of the movie. Now it’s official: it’s not either of those two actors. Find out who the next Batman is after the jump.

Christian Bale Was Offered HOW MUCH To Play Batman?!

Christian Bale always pulls out epic acting in the Batman movies, and the producers know it. Although there were rumors of a shortlist of actors slated to play Batman in Batman Vs. Superman, with Ryan Gosling at the top, it seems that Hollywood might just shell out the major bucks to keep the fans happy with Christian Bale. Find out the ridiculous sum of money he was offered after the jump.

(Photos) LOL! Beyonce Dresses Up As Batman At Target?!

Beyonce just loveeesss shopping at Target. King Bey hit the megastore and had some fun putting on masks, buying toys for Blue Ivy, and supported Jay-Z and Kelly Rowland by buying their albums. Check out the pics in the gallery.

(Photos) New Superman Movie To Include WHO???

In light of the success of the most recent Superman movie, “Man Of Steel” director Zack Snyder surprised Comic-Con attendees when he appeared with news of a guest appearance by none other than the Dark Knight for the sequel. Hit the jump for more details.

Superman Stars In A New Movie With WHICH Other Super Hero?!

Warner Bros. is announcing a HUGE co-star in the Superman sequel! Click the jump to see who is it!

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