First Sodas…Now Mayor Bloomberg Looks To Ban Junk Food From Hospitals

Mayor Bloomberg is trying to make New York City a healthy place to live by banning big sodas. He now is looking to take over the hospitals and ban sugary and fatty foods. We all understand that Bloomberg wants us to be healthy, but people feel he is trying to turn NYC into a “nanny state.” Click below to read more. Jason J.

No More Big Smiles On N.J. Driver License Photos

For most people, they can’t stand their driver license photo. They rather go back and retake the photo. Well for people who wished they would have smiled in New Jersey, they won’t get the chance to change it. New Jersey has banned big smiles on their state driver licenses. Click below to read more. Jason J.

NYC Bans Big Sugary Drinks!

In the war of obesity, New York City’s Board of Health passed a rule banning the sale of big sodas and other sugary drinks at restaurants and other eateries. There is now a 16oz. limit on selling these beverages. Some are skeptical of this ruling which was proposed by Mayor Michael Bloomberg in the spring. Click below to read more. Jason J.

Tech Talk News: Samsung Galaxy Nexus Sales Ban Suspended Temporarily!!

The ban on Samsungs Galaxy Nexus has been temporarily been lifted due to the courts trying to figure out if they should allow sales of the device.  Until the courts and Apple decide the ban is off. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Apple Emergency Ban On HTC Device Imports Overruled!!

The tech wars are non stop, the current bout is Apple and HTC. Check out the recent developments in the Apple request to ban HTC imports. ShottaDru X TatWza

Tech Talk News: Ethiopian Government Bans Skype And Similar VoIP Services!!

15 years just for using Skype? Thankfully we still have some civil liberties still in America. Check out this crazy story after the jump. ShottaDru X TatWza

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