Click the jump to see what the Prestigious Hampton University college is banning!
Not sure, but if you guys haven’t heard, Buzzfeed is growing fast in the Tech world as a place on the web(desktop and mobile) where information is gonna be. Buzzfeed has FREE sharing of news and info via social media platforms, but today they(Buzzfeed) had a distinguished guest that they were told NOT to talk about….how do you ban employees bred to share, you don’t, See Gallery for the Pic of Ye at the offices!!
The Queen Bey was none too pleased with the unflattering images that circulated of her Super Bowl performance this year, so in an effort to prevent such a thing from happening again, she has gone to extreme measures. Beyonce and her team have decided to ban ALL professional photographers from her current “Mrs. Carter Show” world tour, opting instead for her own personal photog who will then service a few pre-approved images to the media following each show. Sounds good in theory…but hasn’t her team heard of cell phones? People are going to be snapping photos left and right, and media WILL buy them if they’re going to bring their site hits (aka, if they’re unflattering.) Nice try, but this plan seems to be a fail!
A member of the West Virginia House of Delegates, Gary G. Howell is looking to pass a bill that will ban the use of Google Glass while driving in the state. I mean I get it a little, but wouldn’t They be considered ‘Hands Free’ ?! More in the link after the jump.
Mayor Bloomberg has spoken out about the possibly ban on Sugary drinks for New Yorkers. It turns out that the State Judge has rejected the ban completely, calling it “arbitrary and capricious”. It seems like everyone is relieved by this, especially businesses because they profit so much off of the sugary drinks.
5 Point Café in Seattle, Washington banned all patrons from using Google Glass eyewear well in advance. The owner Dave Meinert said Seattle is a techie town and sooner or later people will be walking around with Google Glass as new shades but the main reason for the ban has to do with preserving patrons’ privacy. On their facebook the wrote “For the record, The 5 Point is the first Seattle business to ban in advance Google Glasses. And [butt] kickings will be encouraged for violators.”