NFL: Ray Rice Has Been Reinstated By The NFL, Can Sign With Any Team Now!

Ray Rice was just reinstated by the league a short time ago today which effectively ends his indefinite suspension from the NFL after hitting his wife, Janay. Rice appealed that suspension and it was finally handed down today that he won and can immediately play. An NFL spokesman, when asked by ESPN’s Andrew Brand if the league would pursue any further action against Rice, said: “We, of course, accept the ruling as binding.” Hit the jump.

NFL: LOL Steve Smith Says Playing During MNF Makes Ex-Girlfriends Wish They Didn’t Dump You

Monday night football games have long been considered the premier event of each NFL weekend.  The Monday night game – before the addition of Thursday night games in recent years – was the one chance a week players and teams knew the rest of the league was watching them play.

NFL: Baltimore Ravens GM Testifies That Commissioner Goodell Had Prior Knowledge Of Ray Rice Incident

The Ray Rice incident shook the NFL over the summer and throughout the entire ordeal, Roger Goodell appeared to stand firm on his stance that he had very little details about the incident. During Rice’s appeal, Ravens GM Ozzie Newsome testified that Rice informed Goodell of the incident before it was exposed to the public. Hit the jump for details.

NFL: Former Miami Dolphin Ricky Williams Says No To Drugs…AGAIN!

Once again Ricky Williams has quit smoking because he’s no longer in pain or under the stress of playing football. The former Heisman trophy winner says he turns down weed whenever asked, as “people offer me [him] pot all the time…” Now, he is a NEW man and immediately says no, having even left friends and former smoke buddies “disappointed.” More on Williams’ story after the jump!

(Photos) NFL: SMH! Janay Rice Reacts To Husband’s Halloween Costume

So, about that Ray Rice costume…some found it funny, while others found it downright offensive. Well, the Baltimore Raven’s wife, Janay Rice, took to social media and let the world know how she feels…Hit the jump for the reaction!

NFL: Ray Lewis Comments On His Friendship With His Former Teammate Ray Rice

When Rice’s domestic violence video was revealed to the public last month, Lewis blasted his actions and claimed that Rice put “a lot of people in jeopardy” with his actions. In a recent interview, the Ravens legend spoke on the status of their friendship. Hit the jump for details.

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