Airline Passenger Abandons Luggage To Avoid WHAT?!?!?

One Delta Airline passenger en route to New York’s JFK Airport decided to save a few bucks by abandoning a total of four bags to avoid an expensive fee. Doesn’t seem like too bad of an idea, but abandoned luggage doesn’t sit well with airport security. Hit the jump for more details.

Seafood Lover? Avoid Eating These 10 Fish And Here’s Why

Most seafood is very healthy for you, but some fish you should avoid in your diet. Shark meat and other types of fish contain high levels of mercury; which can be harmful to your body. So, what are these other fish you should avoid eating?

Chocolate May Help Men Avoid Strokes

Recent Swedish studies found that eating massive amounts of chocolate might help reduce a man’s risk of getting a stroke. SWEET news for men but what about the women? Read more below. Funk Flex

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