Obviously a Ploy to not get people to make that switch, if your an AT&T customer text “yes” to 11113020 to be awarded 1000 loose minutes to use as you please, unless your about to bounce like me!!! @TatWza
Obviously a Ploy to not get people to make that switch, if your an AT&T customer text “yes” to 11113020 to be awarded 1000 loose minutes to use as you please, unless your about to bounce like me!!! @TatWza
AT&T is really trying to step their game up by offering this unlimited mobile to any mobile starting Tomorrow, as long as you spend that $20 a month for unlimited messaging(that’s single, $30 for family plan), but I have to say, they need to bring an all included plan like a MetroPCS or Boost, or even Virgin mobile, then I can Call them King again!!! See PR in Details @TatWza
This is how Tech went down this Week….I Love this stuff ya’ll!!!!! See the Details. @TatWza
AT&T and Verizon have been battling for year now, which is really sibling rivalry since the both were born out of Ma Bell…Hit the details. @TatWza
Motorola Atrix 4G Will pre-sale on at&t Feb 13th, with general(walk in) sales on march 6th, $199 on a 2 year bid. Here’s the thing, that’s if you just get the phone…..See Details. @TatWza
You’ve really been waiting patiently, if you’ve been waiting at all, Best Buy will soon have the best way to loose your phone in the snow, the White iPhone, And Now AT&T will also be a distributer of said Cloaked in the snow device, bu no word if that’s before, after, or the same time of Best Buy Model. @TatWza