The show, Arrested Development recently released an all new season in its entirety on Netflix. After being off the air for sometime, the show is proving it still has one of biggest cult following of fans.
The show, Arrested Development recently released an all new season in its entirety on Netflix. After being off the air for sometime, the show is proving it still has one of biggest cult following of fans.
Just a few days ago, Arrested Development made its new premiere on Netflix. But it seems that within 24 hours of the premiere of the once TV show, over 100,000 downloads were done on BitTorrent.
Arrested Development is back. Fans of the show can watch all of the newest episodes on Netflix.
Arrested Development is finally coming back with new episodes, but you want catch it on any TV channel. The critically acclaimed hit TV series will only be shown on Netflix.
People really love their Netflix. It has recently been reported that Netflix could now be considered the most watched channel on TV. A lot of it is attributed to Netflix pushing out their own original content, with ‘House of Cards’ being released earlier this year, ‘Hemlock Grove‘ coming out next week & ‘Arrested Development’ sure to take over in May. Read more about the statistics in the link after the jump.
FX is stepping their game up with a new network they will be releasing September 2nd called FXX (that’s not a typo!). FX network President John Landgraf confirmed the new network will be in as many as 70 million homes–wait, how are they going to do that?