Ann Coulter really knows how to offend people. She never ceases to amaze me.
Ann Coulter really knows how to offend people. She never ceases to amaze me.
Someone had to do it! It just so happened to be Ann Coulter who was a guest today on The View. Now remember not many people are Ann Coulter fans! Especially after she released her book Adios America, which talks about how immigrants take advantage of America’s generosity. Raven Symone caught herself trying to question Ann’s subtle racism forgetting her racist words from just last week. Watch Raven put her foot in her mouth.
Ann Coulter has never had a filter between her mouth and her brain and this is just another example of that. Coulter took to her Twitter account on Monday during the Presidential Debate to voice how she feels about President Obama calling him nasty slur. While watching the debate, Coulter tweeted: “I highly approve of Romney’s decision to be kind and gentle to the retard,” followed by her trying to play down that she called him that. Now even more shocking than what she called him, she now has a message for her critics and it’s not a nice one. She once again took to her Twitter account to bash her critics and once again defend what she said. Read more below. Julie A.
Whoa does this interview get heated! “The View” co-hosts get into heated discussion with Coulter, the author of “Mugged.” See below for full interview! Eloisa Melo
On last night’s ‘Hannity,’ author Ann Coulter took on a subject that Sean called one which “conservatives rarely want to bring up” – race. “Yes, because Democrats are demagogues – they are always appealing to a mob, ginning people up with lies and anger,” she said, later adding on the issue of racism in the U.S., “It’s a lie hoisted on America by white liberals, not black people.” Click below to see the interview. Funk Flex