(Video) Tech Talk Device: Do You Need An Android Gaming Tablet???

Kinda cool if you ask me, I mean I just got My 8yr old a Tablet for Xmas, mostly cause he’s always stressing my Phone/Tablet to play Angry Birds, Or Ninja Jump, so I felt like He really likes Android, and wanted his own, but now I’m thinking this would have been best, Hit the Jump!! +TatWZA

Tech Talk Video: Playable Angry Birds Christmas Lights!!

This is kind of dope, one house decorated their house with playable Angry Birds Christmas lights!! The birds are invisible and players use a slingshot-shaped controller to aim and shot. Check out the video after the jump! Julie1205 x +TatWZA

Tech Talk Gaming: Is World Of Goo The Next Angry Birds???

This is growing in the device gaming community, just like Angry birds, But Angry Birds Probably grew faster cause it’s FREE, and Goo’s World is Not, But hit the Jump to See if you’re into Goo?? +TatWZA

Tech Talk Shopping: Angry Birds Open Their First Store!!!

Get your Angry Birds gear up. The addictive and fun mobile game now has paraphernalia for sale at their first store. Actually not that local for those in the states right now but hey next vacation you can check it out. Details on the new store after the jump. WZA on Google+ X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk Gaming: Google+ Game Play!!!

Now that Google+ is open to everyone, and the community is growing, AND you have read the Tutorial, or just figured it out for yourself, it’s time for some good ‘ole Fun!! Google+ has Games! Hit the Jump for a quick walk through!!! WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Marketing: Angry Birds Make Commercial For Google Chrome

Although riddled with information, This Commercial is Tough, The Actual Angry Birds make their Acting Debut as themselves, On TV, Not just the Web, wow, things are getting Real!! Hit The Jump!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

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