(Video) U.S. State Department Issues Terror Warning For Sochi Olympics!

The U.S. State Department released a warning to Americans, stating they believe there will be more terrorist attacks during the Sochi Olympics in Russia. Although there was not a specific threat, it is known that many Americans will be traveling to see the Winter Olympics and should be alerted of the recent string of attacks in the area. To see news coverage of this story, click below.

Pirates Sentenced To Life For Killing U.S Citizens???

The jury in a case regarding the killing of 4 Americans years ago, is recommending that the four pirates who attacked their yacht, get life sentences! Read more after jump.

American Dream Deferred: 80% Of Americans Will Deal With THIS!!!

A recent survey made for the Associated Press revealed that our nation’s gap between the rich and poor is growing wider. The reason may seem logic from both aspects, despite one class severely suffering from the gap. The losses are poverty and welfare dependency. Unfortunately, they are a effects of unemployment.

BREAKING NEWS: Four Americans Killed Since 2009 In Drone Strikes

For the first time Wednesday, the Obama administration opened up about the four American citizens have been killed in drone strikes since 2009 in Pakistan and Yemen. The disclosure to Congress comes on the eve of a major national security speech by President Barack Obama. “In conducting U.S. counterterrorism operations against al-Qaida and its associated forces, the government has targeted and killed one American citizen, Anwar al-Awlaki, and is aware of the killing by U.S. drones of three others.” Fox claims Attorney General Eric Holder says. Read more below.

Six Americans Killed In Afghanistan Today

A total of six Americans and one Afghan doctor were killed in Afghanistan today. Of the six Americans, three were civilians and three were American troops. The six causalities occurred in two separate attacks by a suicide bomber and an insurgent. The U.S. military’s top officer is currently touring the country which might be a reason for the attacks. Read more below.

Al-Qaeda Linked Group Has 7 Americans Held Hostage In A GAS FIELD !!!

An Al Qaeda-linked group from Mali has taken total control over a gas field in Algeria, taking 41 hostages including seven Americans and killing two. The name of the group is Katibat Moulathamine, or the Masked Brigade and they contacted the Mauritanian media to inform them that their group had carried out the mission of the attack. The group said the attack was in revenge for Algeria’s support of France’s operation against Al Qaeda-linked Malian rebels groups far to the southeast. This is crazy. You never know what these kinds of people are going to do, I mean they took control of a GAS FIELD. I hope this doesn’t turn out badly. The U.S. embassy will surely be getting involved in this one. Drop down bottom for more. JaaiR (JR)

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